Rebirth of the Coward
The Internet is for cowards.
I am convinced of this. As many of you know, I post on a lot of jamband and disc golf message boards. I really enjoy sharing ideas with people around the country and the world.
However, the dawn of the communication age has given way to the rebirth of the coward.
People use the internet to say things they normally wouldn't say in real life, because there are no repercussions on the internet. I've seen it happen a thousand times. People say truly nasty and hateful things because they can easily hide behind thier computer screens. Moderators are loathe to punish anyone, and people know they can easily register a new account or get a new e-mail address in that eventuality. To date, there's been no foolproof way to keep people from circumventing the rules.
What happened to the good old days, where people would confront each other between classes, at the party, at the bar, etc. if they had something to say to each other?
It's just words on a screen, you say. Get some balls, you say. I say that the bigger man is the one who stands behind his comments, not the guy who can ignore anonymous trolls.
If and when we eventually have microchips planted in every baby, I hope that generation's internet requires a scan before use so that people are held responsible for their comments.
Me? I sign my name on every single post.
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